About iRMS

iRMS Robot Management Software
Hybrid of various solutions (Sortation, Unmanned-handling, Goods-to-person, High-density storage,Human-AMR collaboration, etc.)
Mixed running of various AMRs (different brands, different navigation types, different AMR types) Various automation device connections (elevators, automatic doors, lights, buttons, conveyorlines, packaging machines, robotic arms, etc.)
Combine the optimal solutions, reduce costs and increase efficiency
One-time Integration, continuous expansion
iRMS provide flexible, extensible and scalable capabilities for your businesses Easy to study
Unified user experience, easy-to-use operation and maintenance

Plug and Play’Architecture

iRMS realizes the possibility of large-scale system by adopting plug-in mode
-high plasticity; high customization capability
-plenty of plugins are available on demand
-independent secondary development; high adaptability
-partial plug-inreplacement; high stability


Stardard Function

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